Faced with the end of certain synthetic chemical molecules and the arrival of more restrictive specifications for the use of pesticides, Medinbio has been entrusted with the construction of more innovative and environmentally friendly potato growing methods.

Asparagus beetles, Crioceris asparagi, and Crioceris duodecimpunctata, are pests that consume the aerial parts of the plant. This defoliation reduces photosynthesis and can lead to the death of the plant.

Faced with the end of certain synthetic chemical molecules and the arrival of more restrictive specifications for the use of pesticides, Medinbio has been entrusted with the construction of more innovative and environmentally friendly potato growing methods.

Melon production is carried out in two phases: a nursery and an open field (with or without a period under forcing cover in France). This crop can develop several diseases: fusariosis, sclerotinia, mildew, cladosporiosis, bacteriosis and at the end of the cycle when the temperature differences between day and night become more important, powdery mildew. Several pests can also harm the melon, mainly: nematodes, leafminers and aphids.