Legal information

The site medinbio. com is the property of the company Medinbio.

1. Information about the company Medinbio

Legal status of the company: Medinbio is a private limited company with a capital of 300 000 €.

Registered office :
Avenue Sabin, 1
1300 Wavre

Registration: The company Medinbio is registered under the number 536.407.327

2. Person responsible for the publication

Thierry Picaud
Phone : 00.32.491.94.07.60
Email :

3. Website designer

Manae Business
86 bis rue de la république
92800 Puteaux

Phone : +33 (0)1 84 78 02 50
Manae Business

4. Host

2 rue kellermann
59100 roubaix
Phone : +33 9 72 10 10 07

5. Intellectual Property

Copyright Medinbio. All rights of texts and works reserved.
The site is protected by copyright. The use of all or part of the site, in particular by downloading, reproduction, transmission or representation on all media and by all processes, for purposes other than personal and private use for non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
The use of the company's logo and its corporate name must be subject to prior written authorization from the owner.
In general, any unauthorized reproduction or representation of trademarks, logos, designs, models, literary works, musical, audiovisual, photographic and more generally any element likely to be protected by intellectual property rights accessible on the site is prohibited and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of Articles L335-2 et seq. of the Code of Intellectual Property, unless such reproduction or representation is reserved exclusively for strictly personal and private use.

6. Limitation of liability

Medinbio does not guarantee in any way the accuracy, precision, completeness or adequacy of the information made available on its site, including all hypertext links or any other computer link used, directly or indirectly, from its site. If you notice an error, an incoherence or a dysfunction, please report it to the person in charge of publication whose coordinates are mentioned on this page.
Medinbio declines all responsibility for the use of the information published on this website, and for any direct or indirect prejudice that may result from it.
The hypertext links present on our website and redirecting towards other websites do not engage the responsibility of Medinbio, whatever their contents or their potential dysfunctions.
The contents downloaded from our site are under the sole responsibility of the user. Consequently, Medinbio cannot be held responsible for any damage to the user's equipment or data resulting from downloading.

7. Data privacy

The privacy policy with respect to data collected from this website is detailed on the privacy policypage

8. Cookies

The use of cookies through this website is detailed in our privacy policy.